Our unclaimed properties

Bank of Canada cheques bearing an institution number of 177 are no longer accepted or able to be deposited at financial institutions.

If you or someone you represent are in possession of an uncashed Bank of Canada cheque (177), it must be replaced with a new cheque.

Sample Bank of Canada cheque with institution number 177 (circled).

How to replace a Bank of Canada cheque (177)

To replace a Bank of Canada cheque (177), the cheque holder must send the original cheque (177) to the Unclaimed Properties Office along with a completed and signed form and copies of two (2) pieces of identification.

Proof of identity in the form of two (2) different documents must be valid (current) and have been issued by a separate organization that is a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal authority (or local equivalent abroad). At least one must bear a photo (e.g., copy of passport) and one must indicate the home address (e.g., copy of driver’s licence, utility bill).

The completed form, original cheque (177), and copies of identification must be mailed to:
Bank of Canada
Unclaimed Properties Office
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G9

Please keep a copy for your records.

All replacement cheques will be made payable to the payee exactly as it appears on the original cheque (177). Replacement cheques are only valid for six (6) months from the issue date and will not be re-issued.

ActionFormExamples of Required Identification (copies acceptable)
To replace a Bank of Canada cheque (177)Bank of Canada Cheques Form (BOCCH)
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Utility bill indicating address